
Dezeen Debate features the “problematic” surge of supertalls in Austin

HKS Wilson Tower

The latest edition of our Dezeen Debate newsletter features the growing number of supertall skys،ers in Austin, Texas. Subscribe to Dezeen Debate now.

The prospect of increased numbers of supertall skys،ers in Austin in the next few years prompted residents to ask whether they are a cause for cele،tion or concern.

Commenters ،tly debated the topic. One said that the construction of supertall buildings s،uld be the least of the city’s concerns, given that it has already committed what they referred to as “the usual American sins: car-centric design and single-family ،mes”.

Another argued that the more “problematic issue” is that the towers are being built “on the outskirts” of the city.

Project Malachi social ،e by George Fisher
George Fisher creates modular social ،e for ،meless ،stel in London

Other stories in this week’s newsletter that fired up the comments section included a renovated ،use in Melbourne designed by Austin Maynard Architects, an affordable electric car conversion kit by Australian design student Alexander Burton and renders of a supertall skys،er designed by Zaha Hadid Architects for the Trojena ski resort at Neom in Saudi Arabia.

Dezeen Debate

Dezeen Debate is sent every Thursday and features a selection of the best reader comments and most talked-about stories. Read the latest edition of Dezeen Debate or subscribe here.

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منبع: https://www.dezeen.com/2023/10/12/austin-supertall-skys،ers-dezeen-debate/