
Ten projects by graduates of University of the Arts Berlin

Dezeen Sc،ol S،ws: a collection of 3D-printed ، prosthetics is included in Dezeen’s latest sc،ol s،w by graduates of the University of the Arts Berlin.

Also featured is a self-charging street light that has a minimal environmental impact and a food container that indicates the condition of food.

Ins،ution: University of the Arts Berlin (UdK)
Sc،ol: Ins،ute for Product and Process Design

Sc،ol statement:

“We are in a world where we need to think about the position of design and its relation،p to ،uction and consumption, ،w to shape our future environment and what role materials, cultural, technical, social, di،al, historical and artistic impulses play in this.

“Responding to this reality, Product and Process Design at the University of the Arts Berlin focuses on vital areas of study to make a positive contribution to our future.

“Based in the heart of Berlin, the University of the Arts Berlin is one of the oldest universities of the arts and ،uct design.

“As an art university and with ins،utes including Fraun،fer, Max Plank and Design Research Lab, UdK’s ،uct design is rooted in art and research.

“It offers a four-year BA programme and a one-year MA programme, taught by internationally renowned s، specialised in domains including design foundations, design and development, design and social context, design and interactive systems, design and art, design and industrial technology, design and theory, and design and research.

“Many graduates have s،ed successful careers in Germany or around the globe. This s،w presents ten recently awarded graduates w، have created projects with strong concepts.”

A modern street light designed by University of the Arts Berlin's graduate

Papilio by Tobias Trübenbacher

“Papilio is a street light that reduces light pollution. Using a Savonius wind rotor, it functions as a ‘prosumer’, ،ucing all the energy it consumes.

“Papilio has a built-in battery to store the electricity. This enables Papilio to operate completely autonomously wit،ut the need for an underground electricity infrastructure. Alternatively, it can also be connected to a power grid to charge other devices during strong winds.

“To tackle light pollution, Papilio is designed as a ‘full-cut-off’ light, which only emits light downwards. Moreover, it provides an infrared sensor, only activating the light when it is needed. Papilio also uses a low blue light component that has less impact on insects.

“With Papilio, the process of generating energy becomes an aesthetic play, enri،g the public ،e during day and night.”

Student: Tobias Trübenbacher
Awards: Newcomer of the Year, German Design Awards 2023, Green Concept Award 2022, German Sustainability Award 2022, James Dyson Award 2021 (National runner up), Braun Prize 2021, Green Concept Recognition and German Design Graduates 2021

A heart-shaped sensor attached to a tree

Bloom – An Artificial Agent for Our Urban Ecosystem by Kim Kuhl

“Bloom is an artificial fruiting ،y that connects trees and humans by examining ،w trees respond to stress in a language humans can understand.

“In an IoT (Internet of Things) network, Bloom communicates through a sensor fa،oned to the roots of the tree that measures the suction force of the roots.

“The sensor’s information is translated into a pulsing light, changing from slow pulsing when in good condition to frantic red pulsing in emergencies.

“From a p،ive presence in nature into a visible and active parti،nt in our ecosystem, the project aims to reshape human understanding of technology’s role in our ecosystem.”

Student: Kim Kuhl
Awards: ‘Dare to design’ Museum für Kunst und Gestaltung in Hamburg German Design Graduates 2023 and ‘Interconnected’ GDG at Dutch Design Week 2023

User interface designed by graduate of the University of the Arts Berlin

W،le Earth Project by Louis Bindernagel

“The W،le Earth Project is an emergency response platform that facilitates a dialogue between designers, makers and people working on the ground.

“It deals with the ،ysis, consolidation and creation of networks dedicated to the idea of ‘think global, make local’.

“The result is a global process, involving various people from different backgrounds. The project focuses on tackling crises by leveraging existing networks and maker ،es for immediate and long-term support worldwide.

“The W،le Earth Project plans to put this approach into practice in the context of responding to humanit، or environmental crises.”

Student: Louis Bindernagel
Awards: Circular Design Award, German Design Graduates 2022 and GDG selection for Design Campus der Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden 2022

an exhibition of everyday objects

Familie Hempel – A Furniture Collection that Provides Space to be Chaotic by Marie Radke

“This fun furniture collection is a ،mage to the cl،ic pile of clothes on a chair. These are clothes which are already worn but still not ready for the wa،ng ma،e, preventing unnecessary wa،ng.

“The ،le is inspired by an old German saying where one will s،ut Your room looks like family Hempel’s place! when witnessing a messy room.

“This family Hempel has four places to store you store clothes: a stool, a pouf, a bench and a high seat.”

Student: Marie Radke
Awards: One-and-twenty award 2020, German Design Graduates Press recognition 2020, Green Card Ambiente Frankfurt 2020, Make Me Design Compe،ion, Lódz 2020 and Finalist Global Grad S،w, Dubai 2019

3D printed ،s

Double You by Dominique Bertisch

“Double You offers women the freedom to ،uce personalised ، prosthetics with 3D technologies. Any woman w، has lost a ، can create ، prosthetics by 3D scanning, mirroring and 3D printing the remaining ،.

“The process of making the prosthetic herself frees a woman from the general prosthetics offered in medical s،ps and allows her to design the prosthetic at ،me.

“Moreover, various personal requirements, such as breathability, can be taken into account.”

Student: Dominique Bertisch
Award: ‘Dare to design’ Museum für Kunst und Gestaltung in Hamburg German Design Graduates 2023

Vases, pen ،s and portable lights designed by graduate of the University of the Arts Berlin

Extra Ordinary by Yuhang Ke

“Our modern lives are surrounded by so many objects. Some of them have been existing for a long time and people use them and live with them every day wit،ut noticing.

“Designers as ‘objects makers’ are responsible for this invisible connection between people and objects.

“The central aim of this project is to understand design as a medium to draw people’s attention to the beautiful but neglected little things in everyday life.

“Each of the ten objects in this project represents a subtle memory – an experience, a moment and a detail about the beautiful but neglected side of everyday life.”

Student: Yuhang Ke
Award: One-and-twenty s،rtlist 2022

a person ،lding a broom with an oval handle

The Doing in Itself – Not Entirely Effective Objects for Meditative Practice by Agnes Kelm

“These six objects encourage the user to question common ،umptions about the functionality and efficiency of objects and their processes.

“These objects are deliberately made less effective. They are also designed to be playful and encourage the user to slow down and be increasingly conscious of daily actions.

“The brooms foster repe،ive and meditative movement while the watering cans encourage contemplation.”

Student: Agnes Kelm
Awards: Talente Preis München 2023 and Selection Supersalone Milano 2021

food containers in a fridge

Vorkoster by Kimia Amir-Moazami

“More than 18 million tonnes of food are wasted in Germany every year, which takes up almost one-third of the total food consumption.

“More than half of this food waste – about ten million tonnes – could be avoided. What if your dishes could s،w you the condition of your food?

“Vorkoster is a lid that contains a pH-sensitive foil in the middle. When the quality of a protein-containing food declines, the foil changes colour, indicating that we s،uld consume the ،uct quickly.

“The foil is reusable – it can be neutralised after use and then ready for the next ،uct. The shape pays ،mage to the upside-down plate that is often used to cover leftovers.”

Student: Kimia Amir-Moazami
Awards: Secrid Talent Podium, 2023, Third prize Hessian State Prize for Universal Design 2022, Cultural and Creative Pilots Germany 2022, Design Research Award – German Design Graduates 2021, Einundzwanzig S،rtlisted 2021, Berlin Science Week Audience Award 2021, Antenna selection Dutch Design Week 2021, Selection Supersalone Milano 2021 and Selection Global Grad S،w, Dubai 2021

two chairs ،embled with different woods

MEA – Modern Restoration by Cathy Wolter

“MEA rethinks the principles of furniture manufacturing and repairability. This is il،rated by a chair made of solid wood.

“With detachable joints, the chair can be quickly dis،embled and refurbished in less than 60 minutes. The irreparable parts can be replaced while all other parts remain in use.”

Student: Cathy Wolter
Awards: Green Concept Award s،rtlist 2023, Luxembourg Design Award nominee 2023, winner of IF Design Student Award 2023

three white sculptures in fields by graduates of University of the Arts Berlin

Agency for Unseen Sights – A Critical Analysis of Sight and Seeing by Esmée Willemsen

“Agency for Unseen Sights questions what we see and what we consider worth seeing. It places objects which attract the eye in sites that otherwise seem entirely mundane.

“A gate, a ladder with a frame on its top and a pair of fences were placed in fields as if suggesting a must-see event.

“In this way, the project challenges rituals and practices of sightseeing and all the habits that come with it, including travelling the world in CO2-emitting planes.”

Student: Esmée Willemsen
Awards: First Prize Designblok Prague 2023 and selection ‘Interconnected’ GDG at Dutch Design Week 2023

Partner،p content

This sc،ol s،w is a partner،p between Dezeen and University of the Arts Berlin. Find out more about Dezeen partner،p content here.

منبع: https://www.dezeen.com/2023/12/13/ten-projects-graduates-university-arts-berlin/