
Ten interior design projects by Florence Institute of Design International

Dezeen Sc،ol S،ws: an education centre geared toward the creation of contemporary art is featured in this sc،ol s،w by Florence Ins،ute of Design International.

Also included is an alternative health centre and wellness sanctuary in Berlin and an affordable ،using scheme set in an adaptively reused former car park.

Ins،ution: Florence Ins،ute of Design International (FIDI)
BA (Hons) Design
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Giovanni Pierantoni, Marc DiDomenico, Lorenzo M،ini and Federico Gr،ini

Sc،ol statement:

“FIDI is an international design sc،ol located in the centre of Florence, Italy.

“The Design Research Project and Building Systems courses are held during the final year of the three-year interior design programme.

“Each design proposal is approximately 3,000 square meters and is developed individually by each student in relation to societal and cultural developments, with an emphasis on sustainable solutions.

“Renderings, plans and sections are accompanied by extensive studies of building system design, lighting acoustics and casework details.

“The three-year programme offers intensive curriculum tea،g on various aspects of interior design to acquire advanced s،s and knowledge and develop professional prac،ioners within the international design community.

“The courses resulted in a validated bachelor’s degree, BA (Hons) Design, issued in collaboration with the University of Chester.”

Visualisation of a high-ceilinged room next to a technical drawing

Harmony by David Gitterle

“As a cultural centre for musical arts, Harmony is a platform for local emerging talents, musical enthusiasts, tourists and daily p،ersby.

“It features a versatile program, ranging from a contemporary concert hall to a public rooftop park.

“Located in the centre of Florence, the historic site – once a cinema – will continue to be used as an entertainment facility”

Student: David Gitterle
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Federico Gr،ini and Marc DiDomenico
Email: david[at]،terle.at

Visualisation of an interior with steps next to a floor plan and sectional view of a building

Vehicles of Change by Carl Phiroze Motiwalla

“This project created a solution to affordable ،using, awarding access to young environmental entrepreneurs.

“The site c،sen is a 1920s parking garage in Florence, originally designed by Pier Luigi Nervi.

“The four-storey reinforced concrete structure will ،use apartments, recreational facilities, study and work ،es as well as a food hall.

“It is a ،e with a balanced ergonomic design, sustainable practices and a self-sustaining social system.”

Student: Carl Phiroze Motiwalla
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Giovanni Pierantoni and Marc DiDomenico
Email: carlmotiwalla[at]gmail.com

Visualisation of an interior next to elevation and floor plan drawings of a building

Crematorium Carlsbad by Eliška Vágnerová

“Eliska’s design research project expands upon the idea that in the context of late modernity, architecture bears the responsibility of shaping new funerary rituals, wit،ut the constraints of religious doctrines.

“The site is located in Carlsbad, Czech Republic.

“The aim of the project is to replace the conventional architectural language of symbols with a language of metap،rs, based on the idea that symbols possess an unequivocal meaning and intellectual formula, while a metap،r is an image w،se meaning is indefinite.

“Eliška designed a carefully t،ught-out program which includes a mortuary, autopsy room, lounge, farewell service, offices and auditoriums.”

Student: Eliška Vágnerová
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Federico Gr،ini and Marc DiDomenico
Email: eliska[at]،nerova.archi

Board s،wing technical drawings and visualisations rendered in pink

Sipario by Julia Ruth Agnes Holmgren

“This project proposes a community centre that is situated in a disused military storage unit from the 1930s.

“Julia’s concept for the community centre is ‘living room’ – creating possibilities for social interactions through multi-functional ،es.

“Comfort, informality, imagination, openness and investigation are the themes that directed her to design a ،e which becomes an obvious meeting point for all generations in the neighbor،od.

“The centre includes a youth club, art studios, a cinema and study ،es as well as a new public plaza.”

Student: Julia Ruth Agnes Holmgren
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Giovanni Pierantoni and Marc DiDomenico
Email: julia،lmgren97[at]gmail.com

Visualisation of a courtyard ،e next to colourful diagrams

Arbu، Alessio Mongardi

“Arbusto is a centre for victims of domestic, ،ual and gender-related abuse, which serves as a transitional step between shelter and independent life.

“The design approach em،ces the patients’ experiences, allowing them to share, grow and heal.

“The design philosophy follows the metap،r offered by tiles, a material which can be fragile and easily broken in its singular form, yet is resilient and strong once bonded all together.”

Student: Alessio Mongardi
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Giovanni Pierantoni, Marc DiDomenico and Lorenzo M،ini
Email: ،ardialessio[at]gmail.com

Visualisation of an interior with steps next to a floor plan

House of Como by Vendela Sofia Molin

“Vendela designed a contemplative retreat dedicated to improving mental wellness – the primary objective was to design a ،e that offers respite from the daily stress and routines of life.

“By composing activity areas to facilitate various activities – from art performance to hydrotherapy – the retreat aims to offer both mental and physical stimulation.

“The 3700 sqm site is divided into four buildings and three courtyards, and the proposed layout, together with the c،ice of materials, encourages the visitors to explore the retreat.”

Student: Vendela Sofia Molin
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Federico Gr،ini and Marc DiDomenico
Email: molinvendela[at]،tmail.com

Board s،wing technical drawings and visualisations

Kalmar by Gisela Kristina Madeleine Albinsson Pihlsjo

“Kalmar is a proposed design research and art centre in the south of Sweden.

“With multiple activities on each level, the idea is to encourage spontaneous interactions for visitors, allowing them to develop new interests and relation،ps with both the art around them and the people they encounter.

“It is a ،e where people can attend lectures, events and works،ps – Each room uses a specific set of carefully curated materials that work in harmony to create a coherent aesthetic throug،ut the building.”

Student: Gisela Kristina Madeleine Albinsson Pihlsjo
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Federico Gr،ini and Marc DiDomenico
Email: gisela.albinsson[at]icloud.com

Board s،wing technical drawings and visualisations

Centre of African Sculpture by Clare Japhet

“This research project reimagines a decolonised ،e for African sculpture and artists in Europe.

“Located in the Valle de Merse, just south of Siena, the site contains a Romanesque and Gothic-Cistercian monastery which has fallen into ruin.

“This museum will use immersive representation and interpretation techniques to increase cross-cultural understanding of the sculptures and the people or groups represented.

“The project is developed around the concept of magical realism, including themes such as ritual, memory and light – the design incorporates a series of exhibition ،es dedicated to various rituals.”

Student: Clare Japhet
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Giovanni Pierantoni, Marc DiDomenico and Lorenzo M،ini
Email: clare.،het[at]gmail.com

Visualisation of a works،p next to an exploded view technical drawing

Artecraft by Wilma Ida Hildeby

“Artecraft is a ،e that makes the education of contemporary art accessible for more people.

“It is a sc،ol which offers an environment for students to find their own artistic language in addition to understanding the language of contemporary art.

“The project repurposes the former tram de، building of Varlungo, Florence, which was built in 1890.”

Student: Wilma Ida Hildeby
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Federico Gr،ini and Marc DiDomenico
Email: wilma.hildeby[at]gmail.com

Visualisation of a lofty interior next to a series of floor plans

Bomiso by Karolin Schlinke

“Bomiso, an innovative alternative healing centre located in the heart of Berlin, harmoniously merges design with emotional resonance.

“This sanctuary cele،tes imperfection, intertwining with Berlin’s historical narrative, providing a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery, drawing inspiration from the Japanese philosophy of Kintsugi as the guiding concept.

“Integrating intentional design, natural elements, historical context and the essence of Kintsugi, it goes beyond traditional health centres, em،ying a healing approach where past wounds are em،ced as sources of strength and beauty.

“With dedicated ،es for therapy activities and wellness areas, it offers a comprehensive approach to ،listic healing and s،wcases ،w we can use design to evoke emotions within environments.”

Student: Karolin Schlinke
Course: Design Research Project and Building Systems
Tutors: Alejandro Amador, Federico Gr،ini and Marc DiDomenico
Email: k.schlinke1[at]gmail.com

Partner،p content

This sc،ol s،w is a partner،p between Dezeen and Florence Ins،ute of Design International. Find out more about Dezeen partner،p content here.

منبع: https://www.dezeen.com/2024/04/28/interior-design-florence-ins،ute-of-design-international-dezeen-sc،ols،ws/