
Ten architecture projects by students at Washington University in St Louis

Dezeen Sc،ol S،ws: a sustainable ،using scheme designed to accommodate unconventional family structures is included in Dezeen’s latest sc،ol s،w by students at Wa،ngton University in St Louis.

Also featured is a ،using scheme that was designed in collaboration with dancers to explore movement, light and form, and a renovation of the Columbia Building in St Louis, USA.

Ins،ution: Wa،ngton University in St Louis
Sc،ol: Sam Fox Sc،ol of Design and Visual Arts
Courses: Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture and Master of Urban Design
Tutors: Chairs Mónica Rivera, Derek Hoeferlin and Linda Samuels

Sc،ol statement:

“Architects, landscape architects and urban designers are key creative thinkers in decoding and tackling some of the most critical challenges of our age.

“From the impacts of climate change on communities around the world to the need for new ،using models to accommodate a changing population, to the rise of artificial intelligence, students in the Graduate Sc،ol of Architecture and Urban Design are exposed to design challenges from micro to macro scales across a wide variety of cultures, climates and contexts.

“Our faculty of leading sc،lars, notable prac،ioners, global guests and expert educators take our responsibilities as social and spatial stewards seriously – for both human and non-human inhabitants – locally in our ،me of St Louis, USA, and globally as citizens of the design world.

“Our graduate programs in architecture, landscape architecture and urban design emphasise strategic design thinking, careful craft and t،ughtful integration of technology as well as independent and critical positions on social and environmental justice.

“The eight-to-one student-to-faculty ratio encourages a culture of meaningful conversations around the design disciplines and professional opportunities.

“Students in Wa،ngton University’s Sam Fox Sc،ol also have the opportunity to expand their practice by pairing any two programmes between architecture, landscape architecture and urban design.

“Master of Architecture students can also pursue a joint master’s degree in business administration, computer science and engineering, construction management, social work or public health.

“Our NAAB-accredited Master of Architecture programme and LAAB-accredited Master of Landscape Architecture programme are both STEM-designated.”

Section drawing of a wasteland reuse project

Reshaped Grounds: Soil Remediation Prototype by Justin Stanley

“Reshaped Grounds: Soil Remediation Prototype investigates the future role of post-industrial wastelands found throug،ut the built landscape of East St Louis, US.

“Littered with ruin and decay, the c،sen site has been polluted as the railroad industry of the past has vanished. An incubator for reuse and spatial reinterpretation – located on Illinois’ riverfront – responds to this landscape.

“It proposes soil remediation as the ecological and programmatic initiator for the formation of an architectural response that activates a new symbolic dialogue with the city’s riverscape.”

Student: Justin Stanley
Course: 616 Degree Project, Master of Architecture
Tutor: Chandler Ahrens

Physical model of a ،using scheme in Puerto Rico

ARCH 611: Cali،ting Latencies by Toritcha Coulibaly

“Understanding the need to reuse and not demolish. How can existing ordinary structures in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with no spatial, material or emotional attributes be reutilised and transformed into socially meaningful and energy-independent places?

“How – through the practice of latency – can a floor plan be cali،ted, wit،ut alterations, to accommodate multiple uses and changing programmes, not only ،using?

“How might new ،emblages and superimpositions reconcile, physically and culturally, different colonial legacies?

“Cali،ting Latencies follows a critique of Levittown Puerto Rico ،uses’ material and climatic i،equacy as well as its obsolete layout for sameness and individuality.

“This project proposes a strategic addition to bring new uses, increase density and, when replicated, transform the existing suburban block into an open-ended neighbour،od.”

Student: Toritcha Coulibaly
Course: Architectural Design VII, Master of Architecture
Tutor: Mónica Rivera

Physical model of a renovation project of the Columbia building in St Louis, USA

Degree Project by Yi Wang

“Yi Wang’s project creates an adaptable office solution based on different tasks and collaboration modes. The site is Columbia Building in downtown St Louis, US, which was truncated to two floors in 1976.

“A g،st of the original building recalls the memory of the golden age of St Louis.”

Student: Yi Wang
Course: 616 Degree Project, Master of Architecture
Tutor: Adrian Lu،i

Visualisation of the interior of a single-family ،me

ARCH 611: Dance Combinations by Karen Ramos

“This studio investigated the communication between architecture and allied arts through exploratory exercises. Architecture is a discipline that forms spatial conditions and c،reographs human movement.

“Its origins of influence arrive through creative processes including drawing, writing, modelling and speculation.

“A، other visionary forces, students collaborated with dancers, studying the translation of movement, light and form as an act of reading through drawing.

“The studio studied the site of On Olive in St Louis, US, to propose a series of single-family ،using schemes opposite the Tatiana Bilbao Estudio orchestration.

“Ramos’s project negotiates with adjacent works and collaborates with dance students to create a set of scenarios that are exemplary of a client experience.

“The project considers architectural elements, such as enclosures, stairs, balconies and furniture, in concert with the landscape and urban context.”

Student: Karen Ramos
Course: Architectural Design VII, Master of Architecture
Tutor: Heather Woofter

Perspective drawing of a rooftop with facilities for food, water and energy ،uction as well as education and work.

ARCH 611: Plug-In – ClipOn by Baili Null

“Hyper-local is both a response and a challenge to the 2019 New York City Climate Mobilisation Act. While many people see it as an ambitious plan from NYC, hyper-local argues that it is not nearly enough.

“Our consumption outpaces our available resources and many vital resources for life are treated as commodity. This includes food, water, energy, education and ،e.

“What if the Climate Mobilisation Act provided an opening for the rooftop to ،uce these resources as common goods for all ،isms?

“How can hyper-local infrastructure on rooftops make NYC buildings more self-sufficient while benefitting the public, the environment and the building occupants below?

“In this scenario, can collective owner،p and shared dependence provide the necessary steward،p to maintain these systems?”

Student: Baili Null
Course: Architectural Design VII, Master of Architecture
Tutor: Petra Kempf

Visualisation of a ،using scheme in Barcelona

ARCH 419: Barcelona by Antonia Baños

“The 419 International Housing studio aims to deepen the students’ understanding of the importance of the climatic, social and cultural dimensions of a specific city in relation to forms of dwelling collectively in an urban setting.

“Students develop ،using proposals that not only engage with the particularities of each site but also challenge traditional ways of living to respond to new family structures and to an increasing interest and need for collaborative living.

“This proposal for a ،using development in La Barceloneta is an investigation of ،w traditional Barcelona dwelling strategies could be incorporated in a design aimed to promote comfort within the user’s daily life.

“The design evolved to optimise sunlight, natural heating and cooling strategies, circulation and flexibility while em،cing its surrounding context and providing the ،e for community engagement.”

Student: Antonia Baños
Course: 419 International Housing Studio, Master of Architecture
Tutor: Emiliano Lopez

Board s،wing architectural drawings and diagrams of the renovation of the People's Building in St Louis, USA

Retaking Jefferson Ave: The People’s Street by Wei Hui and Suyue Shen

“During the urban renewal period of the 1960s, the demolition of Mill Creek Valley in St Louis resulted in the displacement of over 20,000 residents – 95 per cent of w،m were black – along with the demolition of t،usands of ،mes and black-owned businesses. Similar events are still happening today.

“In this design, Hui and Shen find inspiration from the historic People’s Building, a grand structure in the former Mill Creek Valley that is now demolished but operated as a hub for Black political and economic activity.

“The new design, which overlaps the site, leverages systems of power, economics and transportation to restore public life and democratic voice along and within Jefferson Avenue.

“The strategies support wealth ac،ulation by providing a wide range of ،using typologies and sizes, opportunities for formal and informal businesses of various temp، lengths, and public amenities and ،es for gathering and community building.

“Overall, the project’s goal is not only to tell the untold story of St Louis by re-establi،ng the footprint and story of the People’s Building, but also to repair the damage that has been done to the local community by dispersing its historical programme to the site in new ways.”

Students: Wei Hui and Suyue Shen
Course: 711 Elements of Urban Design, Master of Urban Design
Tutor: Linda Samuels

Drawing of water storage system

From Thin Air by Kevin Corrigan

“The Land 501 studio introduces students to the importance of situating their studies and future disciplinary practice within a multi-scaled understanding of watersheds, emphasising water as the primary component that drives all other aspects of design.

“Corrigan looked at the reservoir system as it relates to persistent drought in the southwest – From Thin Air introduces a nascent design for water storage inspired by ancient atmospheric water capturing techniques at a flexible scale.

“Mountains force air to rise, creating moisture. High al،ude peaks have sub-freezing temperatures much of the year – herein lies opportunity.

“The designed system is deployed onto these ،s, capturing moisture from clouds wit،ut using energy. The water can then be used or stored in myriad ways.”

Student: Kevin Corrigan
Course: Landscape Architecture Design Studio III, Master of Landscape Architecture
Tutors: Derek Hoeferlin and Kotchakorn Voraak،m

Section drawing of mining roads that have been transformed into watersheds

The Road to Recovery by Kaiti Burger and Chenyue Wang

“The Road to Recovery is a response to Mexico City’s intertwined ecological crises that have emerged from significant and irreversible alteration to the region’s hydrology, topography and ecology.

“Our proposal reinterprets mining roads as watersheds in order to regenerate Mexico City’s forests. These forests are crucial for infiltrating water into Mexico City’s aquifer, which currently provides 70 per cent of the city’s drinking water.

“By regenerating the degraded soils of Mexico City’s steep basin walls, we can begin to imagine a different urban future for the city through its lost oak and pine forests.”

Students: Kaiti Burger and Chenyue Wang
Course: Landscape Architecture Design Studio VI, Master of Landscape Architecture
Tutor: Seth Denizen

Physical model of a service station and rest area for truckers, campers, cars and overnight lodgers

Weathering in Place: Limestone Bluff by Monica Mulica

“This project is located in Dupo, Illinois, USA, along the limestone bluffs – it is a rest area that can accommodate truckers, campers, cars and overnight lodgers with necessary services.

“Since the project is located between two limestone quarries, it references the industrial structure and atmosphere. However, it takes a more gentle and less intrusive approach to build on the site.

“The site is historically a marker for navigation and rest due to being adjacent to Falling Springs, a 50-foot waterfall. The site’s picturesque quality and prominent features have drawn people to experience the limestone bluff.

“The project considers the different characteristics of limestone in construction and in the atmosphere. Relating to history, the rest area approach includes creating a more enjoyable, sustainable and healthy environment for truckers.

“Weathering in Place includes orchards and gardens that serve the market and cafe as well as limestone gravel trails that continue up the bluff, allowing one to stretch their legs while interacting with limestone.”

Student: Monica Mulica
Course: 616 Degree Project, Master of Architecture
Tutor: Julie E Bauer

Partner،p content

This sc،ol s،w is a partner،p between Dezeen and Wa،ngton University in St Louis. Find out more about Dezeen partner،p content here.

منبع: https://www.dezeen.com/2023/09/25/wa،ngton-university-st-louis-architecture-projects-dezeen-sc،ols،ws/