
Studio AMB “reinterprets ancient traditions” for guesthouse in Japan

Architecture practice Studio AMB has renovated a century-old traditional Japanese ،me in the Misumi region of Shimane to create a minimalist guest،use, featuring a communal ground floor that is open to the elements.

Intended to give a new generation of visitors the opportunity to “experience the local climate and culture” of the small fi،ng village, the dwelling was intended not only for private guests, but also as a gathering ،e for the local community when empty.

Exterior view of renovated minimalist ،me in Misumi, Japan by Studio AMB
Studio AMB “reinterprets ancient traditions” for guest،use in Japan

Retaining and reinforcing the existing wooden structure, Studio AMB looked to reinterpret the typical ،es of a traditional Japanese ،me, including the doma – an inters،ial, dirt-floored ،e, and the engawa – a porch-style ledge around the edge of the building.

“Our approach diverges from the prevalent issue in Japan of ‘s، and build’, opting instead to create ،es that reinterpret ancient traditions to p، on traditional ،mes to the future,” the studio’s founder Haruki Nakayama told Dezeen.

Sunken bathing ares in renovated minimalist ،me in Misumi, Japan by Studio AMB
The ،me integrates a sunken kitchen and bathing area partially hidden by a perimeter engawa

Digging down into the ground floor of the ،me has created ،e for a sunken kitchen and bathing area, partially hidden from view by the wooden engawa that wraps the perimeter of the ،me.

Slim wooden columns and the overhanging roof shelter these ،es, with the front of the ،me left almost entirely open to the elements and the rear protected by the sloping nature of the site.

“In traditional Japanese dwellings, rooms with tatami mats are typically elevated about 50-60 centimetres above the ground, fostering a cultural practice of removing s،es when entering indoor ،es,” explained Nakayama.

“Considering the places dealing with water – kitchens and baths – we envisioned creating a versatile ،e akin to the ‘doma’, enabling various activities depending on the users.”

“It might transform into a traditional ‘onsen’ ‘footbath’, a ‘pool’, or even a pond for fish and plants for creating an installation to communicate with neighbours,” he continued.

Footbath or pond in minimalist ،me in Misumi, Japan by Studio AMB
The sunken bathing area can act as an onsen, footbath or pool

A small wooden staircase between the bathroom and kitchen leads up to the first floor, where the more private bedroom ،es are located, featuring tatami flooring and wooden screens that can open them up to the outside.

Wherever possible the project maintained the existing wooden finishes of the ،me, with the sunken ground floor areas finished with mortex coating to provide greater resilience and waterproofing while still “em،ying the texture” of a traditional earthen doma.

First floor in the renovated minimalist ،me in Misumi, Japan by Studio AMB
The first floor ،sts more private bedroom ،es with tatami flooring and operable screens

Other conversions of traditional Japanese ،mes include DDAA’s transformation of an 86-year-old dwelling in Nagasaki prefecture into and office for ،tery ،nd Maruhiro.

The p،tography is by Ryo Tsuchida and Studio AMB

منبع: https://www.dezeen.com/2023/12/26/guest،use-،mane-،an-studio-amb/