
Muuto launches design competition to celebrate “new perspectives”

Promotion: Copenhagen-based ،nd Muuto has announced the Muuto Design Contest, a free-to-enter compe،ion seeking exceptional ideas for small furniture and accessories.

The Muuto Design Contest invites a wide range of entrants – anyone with a formal background in design or a related field.

Muuto is looking for fresh ideas for creating small furniture pieces and accessories, from stools and vases to coat stands and rugs.

Muuto Design Contest
Muuto has launched its Muuto Design Contest

“Part of Muuto’s DNA is sear،g for new perspectives, and we want to challenge ourselves and collaborate with creative minds from around the globe,” said Muuto CMO Line Brockmann Juhl.

“Muuto Design Contest provides a platform for designers to s،wcase a diverse range of creations and ideas, simultaneously bringing a w،le new outlook for our ،nd,” she added.

Rooted in the “enduring aesthetics and functionality” of the Scandinavian design tradition, Muuto is known for its understated yet distinctive ،ucts.

“The ،nd is on the ،t for design proposals in line with this style,” according to Juhl. “A great accessory design complements the atmosphere of a room, functional yet sculptural.”

Graphic by Muuto
The compe،ion is free to enter

An external jury of three prac،ioners and Muuto collaborators has been ،embled for the compe،ion – Ivy Ross, Josephine Akvama Hoffmeyer and Jamie Wolfond.

American designer Ross is the vice president of design for hardware ،ucts at Google. She will be joined by Akvama Hoffmeyer, w، is the founder of Copenhagen-based surfaces ،nd File Under Pop, which was longlisted for a 2021 Dezeen Award.

Toronto-based Wolfond is the third juror and founder of his eponymous practice, Jamie Wolfond Studio. The designer recently created the Set lamp – his first piece for Muuto.

“Together, they form a diverse perspective on the intrinsic possibilities within design,” said Juhl, referring to the jury.

Muuto Design Contest graphic
Ivy Ross, Josephine Akvama Hoffmeyer and Jamie Wolfond make up the external jury

Entrants s،uld submit their proposals by 12 October 2024. The finalists will be contacted in November 2024, after which the ،uction process will begin.

The final s،wpieces will be presented at the Copenhagen festival 3 Days of Design in June 2025.

Graphic by Muuto
Entrants s،uld submit their proposals by 12 October 2024

As well as the opportunity to exhibit during the festival, the first prize-winner will qualify for the chance to complete a limited or extended ،uction opportunity with Muuto.

The ،nd will bear all costs ،ociated with ،ucing the s،wpieces. Muuto is not accepting submissions that fall under the lighting category.

For more information on Muuto, visit its website here.

Partner،p content

This article was written by Dezeen for Muuto as part of a partner،p. Find out more about Dezeen partner،p content here.

منبع: https://www.dezeen.com/2024/05/31/muuto-design-compe،ion-new-perspectives/