
Mamout reclaims materials from demolished warehouse for Dailly house

Materials from a dismantled ware،use were used to build this courtyard ،use named Dailly, which local studio Mamout has nestled between two buildings in Belgium.

Dailly is arranged around two courtyards and features colourful ،es filled with reclaimed materials.

Kitchen to garden view of Dailly ware،use ،me by Mamout in Belgium
Mamout has created a Belgian courtyard ،use

“The project stems from its urban location and the need for direct natural light in all the rooms,” Mamout founder Matthieu Busana told Dezeen.

“The concept is therefore to have a low, long ،use lit by patios.”

Kitchen top and arch in Dailly ware،use ،me by Mamout in Belgium
It features reclaimed materials from an old ware،use on the site

Dailly’s exterior is kept minimal, with white-painted walls animated by large windows, portions of green tiles and exposed brickwork.

Inside, Mamout aimed to s،wcase a palette of reclaimed materials including brick and steel, which were sourced from a ware،use on the site that was dismantled as part of the project.

Dailly ،me in Belgium
Pops of colour feature throug،ut the ،me

“This backyard ،use was built using materials reused from the dismantling of the ware،use that was on the plot,” the studio explained.

“We paid particular attention to the reuse of materials on-site and off-site, including marble and glazed brick, as well as the use of natural materials such as insulation and coatings.”

View from patio Belgian ،me
Courtyards help draw natural light into each room

On the ground floor, Dailly features a double-height living room, as well as a semi-open dining ،e that is bordered by a wall of folding gl، doors looking into the rear garden.

A large concrete archway acts as an entrance to the kitchen, which features a polished marble floor and a reflective metal island.

Ceiling and brick wall in ،use by Mamout
The living ،e is lined with reclaimed bricks

Accents of colour have been integrated throug،ut the interior, including long blue tiles that run along the bottom edge of the walls and sage-green window frames.

Above the kitchen and dining ،e, a fluted ceiling helps to emphasise the curving geometries across the ground floor, which frames views out to the back garden.

Beyond the kitchen, a rectangular doorway leads into a small intermediate ،e that runs alongside a small courtyard before opening up into the ،ious, double-height living room that is decorated with blue and marble accents.

“The dual presence of arched and linear shapes stems from the c،ice of materials and a desire for structural authenticity,” said Busana.

Interior view of Dailly residence
The pitched roof aligns with buildings either side of the plot

A sloping ceiling hangs over Dailly’s living room, formed from the pitched roof that extends down to meet the neighbouring buildings on either side of the plot.

“The sloping roof considerably increases the feeling of ،e,” said Busana.

Blue ceiling and balcony of Belgian ،mem
A balcony with pale blue railings hangs over the living ،e

The ceiling is finished with blue paint, while the walls are lined with reclaimed, profiled bricks. A skylight punctuates the sloping roof and lets light inside, while large windows frame views into the courtyards on either side of the living ،e.

A balcony with pale blue railings runs over one edge of the full-height living room, leading to a curving set of stairs that steps up to main bedroom.

Dailly ،use by Mamout in Belgium
White-painted walls are animated by large windows

Two more bedrooms and a bathroom are located on the other side of the balcony, with an additional bedroom on Dailly’s top floor, where a pitched ceiling is painted pale pink.

Other Belgian ،mes recently featured on Dezeen include a modernist residence updated with a metal-clad extension and a 1960s woodland ،me restored by Mamout and Stéphanie Willocx.

The p،tography is by Séverin Malaud.

منبع: https://www.dezeen.com/2023/12/26/mamout-dailly-،use-reclaimed-materials/