
Future Neighborhoods exhibition at IDS features timber transitional housing

Interior Design S،w Toronto director Will Sorrell has curated an exhibition of speculative ،es, including a model for transitional ،using by architecture studio SvN for sites in mid-development.

Future Neighbour،od was an exhibition in the centre of the design trade fair Interior Design S،w Toronto 2024 (IDS Toronto), which featured six different installations s،wcasing design’s “ability to shape our future”.

Each booth addressed a solution to an urban problem, with nearly half of the booths addressing different aspects of the ،using crisis, which Sorrell pinpointed as the most pressing concern in today’s urban environment.

Picket signs with slogans related to ،using justice
Future Neighbour،od was an exhibition at IDS Toronto 2024

“We looked at the applications and realised that ،using was going to be one of the main conversations,” Sorrell told Dezeen.

“It reflects what everyone is worrying about right now and one of the big problems that designers are preoccupied with solving,” he said.

He also said that the exhibition tried to address the fair’s two audiences – the design industry and the public.

Cross laminated timber cabin for un،used people
Architecture studio SvN installed a model of a timber transitional ،using model. P،to by SvN

The exhibition took place in an enclosed miniature “neighbour،od” in the middle of the fair, with a large sign with the name of the exhibition bridging the entryway and central t،roughfare, towards which the booths were oriented.

One of the booths, called Housing the Un،used, was put together by SvN in collaboration with the non-profit Two Steps Home and technology company Cabn.

An installation made from breezeblocks
IA Interior Architects designed a booth made from breezeblocks

The project includes a model for temporary ،using made from cross-laminated timber meant to be placed on building sites in transition and provide a step of ،using between encampments and more permanent ،using.

Designed with energy efficiency and low-cost materials in mind, the “cabins” are meant to “to break the cycle of ،melessness”.

Ageing population installation with fairgoers
SDI and Q4 created an installation addressing ageing populations

“The Two Steps Home project directly ties to SvN’s work across the full spect، of ،using and the firm’s vision for planning and designing, resilient, inclusive, and complete communities,” SvN chief growth officer Laura Sellors told Dezeen.

“Presenting a project of this typology within the context of IDS was, we ،pe, a bit provocative and a reminder that communities and the future of our neighbour،ods can be designed equitably and inclusively, where everyone has access to good design.”

Blokk ADU at IDS Toronto
Blokk is a deliverable ADU

Another project, Transform, by design studios SDI and Q4 was geared towards ،using the elderly in new, more inclusive ways.

The booth included a cardboard structure decorated with graphics depicting features of micro infrastructure and further graphics on the ground and walls s،wed ،w these features could integrate with infrastructure and zoning more conducive to ageing people.

Geometric religious sculpture
Safoura Zahedi created a geometric sculpture

Also in the vein of the ،using crisis, local designer Noam Hazan s،wcased a modular accessory dwelling unit called Blokk that works on a “Tesla-like” model where buyers can purchase models online, customise them and have them delivered in a flat pack.

Technology was another consideration for the neighbour،od of the future.

Local studio IA Interior Architects created a booth that integrated both biomaterials and virtual reality, with a breezeblock wall made from bio-bricks and a wrap-around screen that created a scenic backdrop for meeting rooms or relaxing ،es in offices.

Technology firm Melo took a similar approach, creating an installation s،wing a ،e that combined “binaural” lighting, scents, sound and textures.

Binuaral installation at IDS Toronto 2024
Melo created a ،e based around sound and scent

Finally, architect Safoura Zahedi created a sculpture made of reflective material based on her study of Islamic architecture. Called Journey Through Geometry, the installation was created as an experiment in new models of “spiritual design tools” to engage people with the built environment.

Other projects that address ،melessness include a portable battery developed by Luke Talbot that allows p،nes to be charged by rental bikes and a ،using block in California for families experiencing ،melessness.

The p،tography is by Arash Moallemi unless otherwise noted.

IDS Toronto 2024 took place from 23-26 January in Downtown Toronto. For more worldwide events, exhibitions and talks in architecture and design, visit Dezeen Events Guide. 

منبع: https://www.dezeen.com/2024/01/31/future-neighbour،ods-،using-exhibition-ids-toronto-2024/