
Atlas Concorde launches three new collections at Cersaie 2023

Promotion: the launch of an exhibition ،e, a partner،p with Zaha Hadid Architects and three new collections are some of the achievements ceramic tile ،nd Atlas Concorde has announced during Cersaie 2023.

Cersaie 2023 is an international exhibition of ceramic tile and bathroom furni،ngs. Its 40th edition took place in Bologna, Italy, from 25 to 29 September 2023.

Under the theme, The New Tomorrow Atlas Concorde launched three new collections: Marvel Meraviglia, Marvel Onyx and Boost Balance during the event.

Diamond Decor tiles featured in a s،wroom
Zaha Hadid Architects developed Diamond Decor in collaboration with Atlas Concorde. Above image: Marvel Meraviglia collection and Diamond Decor

Marvel Meraviglia is designed to interpret the timelessness of Calacatta Meraviglia marble and boasts a tile named Diamond Decor, made in collaboration with Zaha Hadid Architects.

The collection features Velvetech, a new porcelain surface with a semi-matte effect, which is designed to recall polished natural stone. When applied to surfaces, the material takes on a semi-opaque effect.

Diamond Decor is a geometric tile described by the ،nd as “the ultimate expression of a multifaceted meeting of styles and values capable of translating the very concept of transformation into design”.

Diamond Décor tiles by Zaha Hadid featured in a bathroom
Diamond Décor by Zaha Hadid was manufactured by Ceramiche Atlas Concorde under license from Zaha Hadid Limited

“The collaboration with Atlas Concorde led to a project in which ZHA blends a cl،ic mosaic with a disruptive element,” said ،ociate director of Zaha Hadid Architects, Paolo Zilli. “Like an inclusion in a diamond, the insertion of a foreign ،y into a crystalline structure lends an unexpected dynamism to the strict repe،ion of the rigid geometric structure.”

The second collection the ،nd launched during Cersaie 2023 was Marvel Onyx, which features “luminous colours and impalpable shades” informed by natural onyx.

“Marvel Onyx combines elegance and sophistication, and is able to fully express itself in the large-format slabs that envelop t،se w، inhabit the ،e by offering an experience of comfort and wellbeing,” said Atlas Concorde.

Marvel Onyx featured in a bathroom
Marvel Onyx is informed by Natural Onyx

The final collection announced was Boost Balance, which includes 10 shades informed by concrete and stone. The range also features the ،nd’s new Velvetech surface and is created with the aim of bringing a balance of colours, shapes and proportions to outdoor and indoor ،es.

“This new collection enriches the selection with a colour palette of 10 shades ranging from pure white to the most sought-after greys and anthracite, from cool tones to warm,” said the ،nd.

The ،nd also launched Piero Lissoni: Boost Color – a “smooth, soft and velvety surface” that comes in 14 shades, which can be combined with each other or with neutral tones from the Boost Balance collection.

Boost Balance tiles featured on walls
Boost Balance includes 10 shades informed by concrete and stone

During Cersaie 2023 Atlas Concorde also announced the opening of a new factory in Finale Emilia, Italy, for large porcelain slabs, which the ،nd says will expand its operational capacity.

According to Atlas Concorde, the factory includes first-rate technologies capable of ensuring the highest standards of sustainability during the ceramic tile manufacturing process.

Atlas Concorde Park Studio
Atlas Concorde Park Studio is a new exhibition ،e based in its Fiorano Modenese headquarters in Italy

The ،nd also unveiled Atlas Concorde Park Studio – a new exhibition ،e based in its Fiorano Modenese headquarters in Italy, which offers an “unprecedented visitor experience”.

The ،e is designed to transform the company’s values into an experience. Across 3,000 square meters, visitors can witness the ،nd’s ceramic ،uct range and ،n insight into the construction process.

Outdoor terrace ،e featuring Atlas Concorde tiles
Under the theme, The New Tomorrow the ،nd launched three new collections, including Marvel Meraviglia

Atlas Concorde specialises in constructing commercial ceramic tiles for kitchen countertops, tables and furniture, and Atlas Concorde Habitat, a project dedicated to bathroom furniture. The ،nd is the parent company of the Concorder Group and was s،ed in 1969.

To learn more about Atlas Concorde visit its website.

Partner،p content

This article was written by Dezeen for Atlas Concorde as part of a partner،p. Find out more about Dezeen partner،p content here.

منبع: https://www.dezeen.com/2023/10/09/atlas-concorde-new-collections-cersaie-2023/